Life in the 21st century is very fast and demanding, especially in developed countries and big cities. When we say demanding it means physically, mentally and emotionally. Ayurveda believes that emotions or matters of your heart do matter to the health of your heart. 'The Heart' or Hriday is the seat of prana (life energy). The heart is also the seat of ojas, (essence of all body tissues) and the substance within us that maintains life and promotes bliss and longevity. Hence heart is among the three most vital portions in the body.

    Ayurveda is a science based on ancient Indian philosophy. Ayurveda promotes healthy living. It is as much concerned with the normal condition as with the abnormal. Being a science of healing, it concentrates on what is required to lead a healthy and happy life. It deals not only with what is to be done when one falls prey to a disease, but also with what should be done to maintain one's health and vigour and prevent any possible ailments.

    Ayurveda contains details about body care and the various foods and drinks, which promote health. It also contains details about ways through which body could be purified of its impurities. Through the means of panchakarma (includes massages, enemas and other therapies) the bodily impurities are thrown out of the body and through the means of yoga and pranayam the mental/psychological impurities are thrown out.

    The causes of heart disease as mentioned in Ayurveda are three-fold. These are classified under: asatmyaindriyartha samyog (either improper, less or excess sensory perception), pradnyapradha (improper conduct) and parinam (changes in the mind and body occurring due to 'time').

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic condition caused when cushioning cartilage between joints gets eroded. This exposes the bones and causes two bones rub against each other resulting in Joint pain, stiffness and lack of mobility. OA is most commonly found in the joints of,

  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Hands and fingers
  • Spine
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